Cape May Flag Ceremony 2007
CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept 18, 2007 — Everyday from May through October, the casket flag from a US veteran flies over Sunset Beach on Cape May Point from sunrise to sunset. At sunset the flag is lowered by the family of the veteran while Taps plays. The flag is folded with honor, and the ceremony ends with the National Anthem. Each night, this brief Flag Ceremony is enjoyed by many vacationers on the beach and boaters in the bay.
Cape May NJ was a favorite childhood vacation of Brian’s, and on September 18, 2007 his flag flew high above Sunset Beach in his honor. Many friends and family gathered to watch the ceremony and remember him.

Brian Sand with Grandmom Judy Faunce.

Cousins Susan & Kraig Friedman.

The Murphy’s – John, Ian, Johellen, and Ben.

Jerry and Ed Faunce.

Brian’s flag flying high at Sunset Beach.

Uncle Ed and Kraig playing with Brian!

Taking a ride on the magic carpet!

Tyler and Sean Quinn.

Michael and Linda Rosas.

Cape May vacationers pause for a moment to watch the flag ceremony.

Rich Faunce and Brian’s friend Randy Sylvester recieve his flag as it is lowered to the sound of Taps.

Marvin Hume helps Randy Sylvester and Rich Faunce fold Brian’s flag properly. Mr. Hume is a WWII veteran and is immensely proud of this evening flag ceremony tradition that he started over 40 years ago. “We are honored to fly them here at Sunset Beach. There is nothing more thought provoking than to watch the sun set over the Delaware Bay while taps plays and Old Glory is lowered for the evening”.

CPT Brian Faunce’s flag is folded for another year.

Brian’s parents with Mr. Marvin Hume, wearing a “Bulldog 6” cap – Brian’s military call sign.

Brian Sand with Uncle Rich and Grandpop Faunce.

Hannah Anderson and Samantha (Faunce) Sand.