Golf Tournament 2005
YARDLEY, PA, October 14, 2005 — The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund hosted its first annual Golf Event and Fundraiser at the Makefield Highlands golf club. Despite the dreary weather, player turn-out was amazing and everyone managed to have a good time! Please enjoy our photo gallery below from Golf Day 2005.

CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund Golfers Register Here!

Brian’s sister Danielle and Billy Nitto man the registration desk.

Mary Sanderson, looks like she’s enjoying her job, handling the money.

Brian’s former roommates and Army buddies from Ft. Drum, NY – Andrew Oliver and Rich Brusselback.

Going… (Rich Brusselback)

Going… (Mr. Olsen)

Going… (Dave Kirschenmann)

GONE!! (Jerry Brady)

Matt Horn, Dave Linthicum and Mike Gualario from Sensor Technologies. Matt served with Brian at 1-32 (1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry) in Fort Drum, NY. Matt’s brother Chip Horn also served with Brian at 1-32 as platoon leaders and executive officers.

Rich Sanderson & Jeff Kirschenmann.

Kyle Cloman and Ruthanne Cloman, Ernie Martelli and Jeff Miller; friends from Pennsbury Swim Team.

Steve DiIenno, Bill Ashmead and Mike Mulhern from Ashmead Insurance.

George Dilks & Rich Faunce.

Brian and sister Samantha both went to PSU. Here are two of Sam’s college friends Elsa Doyle and Dawn Kopecki. Dawn braved the elements for her first game of golf ever!

Mark “Sparky” Olsen with his dad Mr. Olsen.

Samantha and Rich Sanderson, fondly known as ‘Uncle Lurch’.

Looks like a Barber Shop Quartet getting ready to sing a song!

It’s a quintet! The second place team with Rich Faunce.

Joe Codagnone, Joe DeLorenzo and teammates.

Taking a break from the rain, Brian’s mom Judy (center) with his in-laws Rich and Sharon Rusakiewicz.

Bert Marlin and LTC Malloy, Professor of Military Studies, PSU Army ROTC.

Rich Sanderson with the Kirschenmann’s – Jeff, Dave and Charlie.

Brian’s sister Samantha making the rounds, here with Mark Hunt.

Now this is an action shot!

Samantha’s coworkers from New York & Company. Great form from Jin Chung while Jerry Brady and Mark Hopkins watch.

Brian’s Aunt Suzie Green and cousin Michelle Brownlee (with soon to be baby cousin Trevor).

Samantha with Richard Sand – What a difference a year makes. They are now Mr. & Mrs. Sand and have a beautiful baby boy, Brian Alexander Sand. He’ll be proud to be named for his brave Uncle Brian when he grows up.

Not only did Patty Sokoloski sell the 50/50, but she also won the 50/50!

Hole-In-One 2006 Chrysler 300 generously donated by Reedman-Toll Auto World was left unclaimed.

But there were lots of other goodies to raffle off.

Hard to believe… this Golfer Weather Vane was a hot item! We only had two.

A full set of Snake Eyes Irons. Handmade and donated by Rich Faunce.

And the proud winner of the Snake Eyes Irons, Jon Anderson, Brian’s cousin. Pictured here with Brian’s sister Danielle and dad Rich.

Award for longest drive; Jeff Kirschenmann.

Congratulations to our First Place Team! Mr. Olson, his son Mark Olson and Mark Hunt.