Penn State ROTC Award 2004 – Holly Brewer
UNIVERSITY PARK, PA, April 22, 2004 — The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its first annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Holly Brewer.
Holly is a Criminal Law & Justice major who earned a top-third ranking in the national Order of Merit List. She served as the Alpha Company Commander and Ranger Company XO for the 2003-2004 year. She participated in the Ranger Club all four years at Penn State and competed in two Ranger Challenge competitions.
Upon graduation in May, Holly was selected for immedidate active duty as a Quartermaster Officer.

Rich Faunce spoke of his son with pride and admiration, telling the PSU cadets and future Army officers of Brian’s dedication to the military, his service to others, and his love for his family.

The rest of the family joins Brian’s father at the podium to present the first CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Award to Holly Brewer.

Family and friends enjoy dinner together after the ceremony at the Nittany Lion Inn.

The Faunce family poses with Holly. We wish you all the best as you begin your military career!  Please keep us informed of all your future successes.

Major Joe Golden (right) and Captain Marc Beckage, who served with Brian in Iraq, traveled from Fort Carson CO to be with us.

Special thanks to Lt Colonel Robert Malloy, who selected four tremendous candidates and helped us organize the event.