Family Photo Album
Our Brian – smiling as always through the ages.
Brian marries his best friend Cheryl Skeide Faunce, April 7, 2001.
Brian with his sisters on his wedding day.

The family surprises Brian at his promotion to Captain. With mom Judy, sister Danielle, and dad Rich.
Brian with his dad Rich at the top of Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, June 2002.
Hiking Collegiate Peaks, Colorado summer 2002.
Completing his first marathon in Atlanta, November 2000.
On the ground after his first freefall jump as a civilian: “I’ll never jump under a 2-10 Charlie again!”
After a year tour in Korea, we welcomed Brian home with a big party. He’s happy to be reunited with Cheryl and we wish them good luck at Ft. Carson, Colordo Springs, May 2002.
And here you see the “loving” siblings just minutes before…
… the last picture of the Faunce trio taken together, May 2002.
At the top of the Continental Divide, Colorado August 2002. “A soldier never leaves his pack.” We love you Brian.