The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its fourteenth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Hannah Levine.
With your help, we have made the following awards and gifts in CPT Brian Faunce\’s name: annual Army ROTC Award at Penn State University and annual gift to Civil Air Patrol, PA Wing; as well as to gifts to Fisher House, Honor Flight, and Wounded Warriors. We believe Brian would be proud to support all these worthy organizations.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its thirteenth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Matthew Wolfel.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its twelfth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior John Han.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its eleventh annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Matthew Santamaria.

This year we did something a little different – we presented an additional award in Brian’s name to a graduating Army ROTC cadet from Lock Haven University.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its tenth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Jacob Ahle.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its ninth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Kelsie Smith.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its eighth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Kevin Nichols.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its seventh annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Nicholas Edwards.