AMBLER, PA, September 7, 2007 — The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund hosted its third annual Golf Event and Fundraiser at the Limekiln golf club. This year was our most successful yet, with an impressive turnout of players, beautiful weather, and a banquet dinner including plenty of raffles and prizes. Please enjoy our photo gallery [...]
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HARRISBURG, PA, May 2, 2007 — Gold Star Families gathered at the State Capitol Building for an awareness ceremony honoring Pennsylvania’s Fallen Heroes. The ceremony featured a banner presentation, one for each soldier who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). The 4 by 8 foot all [...]

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its fourth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Daniel D. Frechette.

YARDLEY, PA, September 22, 2006 — The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund hosted its second annual Golf Event and Fundraiser at the Makefield Highlands golf club. This time the weather cooperated and we all enjoyed a beautiful day on the links followed by a banquet dinner including numerous raffles and prizes. Please enjoy our photo [...]

CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept 18, 2006 — Everyday from May through October, the casket flag from a US veteran flies over Sunset Beach on Cape May Point from sunrise to sunset. At sunset the flag is lowered by the family of the veteran while Taps plays. The flag is folded with honor, and the ceremony [...]

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its third annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Ian Sinclair.

YARDLEY, PA, October 14, 2005 — The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund hosted its first annual Golf Event and Fundraiser at the Makefield Highlands golf club. Despite the dreary weather, player turn-out was amazing and everyone managed to have a good time! Please enjoy our photo gallery below from Golf Day 2005. CPT Brian Faunce [...]

CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept 18, 2005 — Everyday from May through October, the casket flag from a US veteran flies over Sunset Beach on Cape May Point from sunrise to sunset. At sunset the flag is lowered by the family of the veteran while Taps plays. The flag is folded with honor, and the ceremony [...]

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its second annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Benjamin Brownlee.