The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its ninth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Kelsie Smith.
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Sharing updates from some of our past CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund award winners. Let’s see how they are doing since they graduated from Army ROTC at Penn State. “Currently I am in Mosul, Iraq with 4-1AD. We are in charge of closing down one of the major bases up here in the north.” Nicholas [...]
Sharing a tribute to Brian written by Justin Bish on his blog Presidential Leadership Academy.

Over the weekend of September 23-25, a team of 48 dedicated runners will run from Cape May, NJ, to Holmdel, NJ. Each mile will be run for a New Jersey Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, or Marine killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. CPT Brian Faunce will be honored at mile marker #7 on Friday 9/28.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its eighth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Kevin Nichols.
News from two of our Penn State alumni and past CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Award winners. Holly Brewer, our very first award winner in 2004, will be starting law school at the University of Memphis in August. Dan Frechette, award winner 2007, wrote to us from the Last Frontier in Alaska to say he has [...]
We received an email from Chris Capozzi today, sharing a memory and photo of Brian. Thanks Chris! “I was a company commander in 1-32 IN at Fort Drum when Brian was a lieutenant. I thought Brian was a great guy. He was a hard working, dedicated officer, and at the same time he always had [...]

Two of our Award Winners, Nick Edwards (2010) at left, and Dan Frechette (2007), together at Ft. Sill. Nick is graduating in January from Officer Basic Course and heading to the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, TX. Dan started Captains Career Course about three weeks ago now, and he reports it’s going well so far. [...]

Sept 18, 2010 — Everyday from May through October, the casket flag from a US veteran flies over Sunset Beach on Cape May Point from sunrise to sunset. At sunset the flag is lowered by the family of the veteran while Taps plays. The flag is folded with honor, and the ceremony ends with the [...]