The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its eleventh annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Matthew Santamaria.
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Jake Ahle, our Penn State ROTC award winner 2013, graduated from Ranger School – and like Brian, he did it in just one pass!

Our CPT Brian Faunce Memorial winner from 2007, Daniel Frechette, was married last summer. After celebrating their wedding in Alaska, Dan and his new wife Lorraine escaped the cold and enjoyed a Hawaii honeymoon. Dan’s assignment to Fort Richardson, Alaska is coming to an end and the couple will be heading to Germany this summer. He [...]

This year we did something a little different – we presented an additional award in Brian’s name to a graduating Army ROTC cadet from Lock Haven University.

Our CPT Brian Faunce Memorial winner from 2012, Kelsie Smith, is recently married and stationed at Ft. Richardson in Eagle River, AK. She’s working as a Platoon Leader in C Company, 307th Expeditionary Signal Battalion. Despite the long and harsh winter, she is loving Alaska and enjoying all of the beautiful places to visit. She and [...]

Our very first CPT Brian Faunce Award winner, Holly Brewer from 2004, is currently in her last year of law school at the University of Memphis. Upon graduating and passing the bar exam, she hopes to apply for a position as an Assistant District Attorney. Last summer she interned with the Shelby County District Attorney’s [...]

Jake Ahle, last year’s winner of our annual Penn State ROTC award, graduated from Infantry Basic Officer Leader Course as a distinguished honor graduate. He is now in Georgia, testing his mettle at Ft. Benning’s grueling Ranger School. We hope he can make it through on just one try like Brian did. The force is with [...]

With over 130 players this year and picture perfect weather, 2013 was a great year for our Golf Tournament! As always, the prizes were abundant and fun was had by all.
Thank you to all our players, volunteers, friends and family who came out to remember Brian with us. We think he would be proud of all the good work we are doing in his name.

Ten years ago we hiked up the second highest mountain in New York state to lay Brian’s ashes to rest at the top of Algonquin Peak. On September 14, 2013, we hiked Algonquin again to mark ten years since we said goodbye. This hike is a challenging climb! No wonder Brian liked this trail. Our journey [...]