CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept. 18, 2017 — Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual flag ceremony as we remembered fourteen years without Brian.
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The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its fourteenth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Hannah Levine.

CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept. 18, 2016 — Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual flag ceremony as we remembered thirteen years without Brian.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its thirteenth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior Matthew Wolfel.

CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept. 18, 2015 — Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual flag ceremony as we remembered twelve years without Brian.

Join us for fun night with the Phillies and support a great cause! The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Night with the Phillies will be held Tuesday, June 30, 2015 and discounted tickets cost $25.

The CPT Brian Faunce Memorial Fund presented its twelfth annual ROTC award to graduating Penn State University senior John Han.

It’s been a long journey but we finally have a Memorial Marker to honor Brian in Arlington National Cemetery. A service with Full Honors is planned for Thursday, May 7th, with reception following. All are welcome!

CAPE MAY, NJ, Sept. 18, 2014 — Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual flag ceremony as we remembered eleven years without Brian.